Thankyou for sharing this, it helps me understand my wonderful daughter a little more 🥰

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Thank you, Rachel! :)

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I loved this. Thank you for writing to yourself with such kindness.

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>>>"You are just trying to preserve and protect what little piece you are in the here and now. But one day you will change the I. You will flip the script. You will go from being a piece to being at peace. All you had to do was change a letter. "<<<

I love this so much! ❤️

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Jun 16Liked by elle kennedy fell

This is such a powerful and touching message. It can hurt to talk with our younger selves, but it can also be cathartic, to give them that assurance that they will survive, that they in fact survived, that they (you) became the person they desperately needed so long ago.

As a trans woman who came out later in life, I often find myself sitting with my five year old self, but I suppose my own teenage self might also need some attention now and again.

Love wins. Always. Wishing a happy, blessed, and safe Pride to you and yours. 🏳️‍🌈

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Savannah, thank you so much for your kind and powerful comment. It is always interesting to hear what periods of life we sit with and reflect on most as trans folks.

I feel like my teenage years were the hardest for me.. maybe puberty and having increased expectations of manhood? I can't remember feeling too much dysphoria as a young young child but maybe those memories have been buried deep inside of me.

Nevertheless, it absolutely is cathartic to fill the grief of lost time with words of encouragement. Being trans is such a gift after all.

Wishing a very happy Pride to you too <333

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