Once again, there is so much in here that I relate to. Grieving but not losing the before times because they led to today is such an eloquent way to put it.

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You said in a comment on your post how even though we are from different generations there is so much relatability between our stories. I always resonate with your posts and I am glad that I can offer the same! Being women with trans experience is such a gift.

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Our dearest Elle, we are your biggest fans, and everything you have shared and will continue to share via this Substack is a true gift from the heart. This particular piece is very special and perhaps my favorite (although I am hesitant to use the "favorite" word as I love them all and wouldn't want to discredit any of your previous posts). 

>>>"One of our societies greatest lies is that woman came from the rib of man. However, in my case, maybe there is some truth to that. I was never a man, but because I was told for so long that I was, I began to believe it. I found myself in my own ribs that they called Adam. Only her name wasn’t Eve, it was Elle."<<<

These sentences, however, are so profound and perhaps even more meaningful as I read them while on a train in Peru, where the Incans once treasured and revered Quariwarmi (third gender), but the current Catholic, conservative government has made it very hard for their trans community.

That said, we have been in two bars in Peru where Pride has been open, fun, and celebratory. A middle finger, perhaps at the conservative government by a younger generation that will one day change this country.

Thank you, as always, for your vulnerability.


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Thank you so much for this kind and loving comment. I'm glad that you enjoyed this piece! I've been so inspired by some amazing trans literature as of late. Soula Emmanuel's "Wild Geese" is absolutely worth a read.

I'm curious to hear more about Peru and how queer & trans communities are resisting the conservative government!

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I woke up to this today, Elle, and it was such a serene place to rest and think. Thank you for that soft gift.

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Thank you, Robin! :)

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Jul 10Liked by elle kennedy fell

Gorgeous writing, Elle. Truly. 🩶

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Thank you so much, Amy!☺️

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Jul 8Liked by elle kennedy fell

This is such a contemplative, grounded offering. It feels like a meditation, and I am so thankful for your presence in the world, and the words you put together in such a beautiful way.

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Wow, thank you so much for this very kind comment, LC. I, too, am thankful for your presence in this world! As trans and non binary people we are such a gift to this world.☺️

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Jul 8Liked by elle kennedy fell

There is such poetry in your writing and grace in your experience, it nearly brings me to tears. Thank you for sharing this perspective. 💜

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I appreciate your comment so much, Savannah. I’m so glad that my words are relatable and able to resonate with others. 🩷

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Beautifully written. Thank you for giving me a tiny understanding of a world I don’t yet know enough about.

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Thank you so much Mikaela! I appreciate that you are leaning in with curiosity and moving with love towards an experience you might not know much about. :)

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Jul 8Liked by elle kennedy fell

Such a beautiful piece. Thank you so much for writing it. ✨

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Thank you, Christián!! I really appreciate your support<3

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Wow. Beautiful writing. Being yourself, your whole authentic self, must give you a tremendous sense of internal peace and cohesion

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Thank you so much Sridhar! I appreciate your support :)

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Absolutely beautiful as always. Thank you for giving me something to smile about today.

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I am so glad that my writing is able to make other people smile, so thank you so much for commenting. I appreciate you!

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